Physical. Dev Cognitive Development 9 Month Old Baby

Learning Objectives

  • Explicate the physical development that occurs from infancy through childhood
  • Explain the cognitive development that occurs from infancy through childhood

Physical Development

In infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood, the body's concrete development is rapid (Figure 1). On average, newborns weigh between v and 10 pounds, and a newborn'southward weight typically doubles in six months and triples in i yr. Past ii years old the weight will have quadrupled, so we can expect that a 2 year old should weigh between 20 and forty pounds. The average length of a newborn is 19.5 inches, increasing to 29.5 inches by 12 months and 34.4 inches by two years quondam (WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group, 2006).

A collage of four photographs depicting babies is shown. From left to right they get progressively older. The far left photograph is a bundled up sleeping newborn. To the right is a picture of a toddler next to a toy giraffe. To the right is a baby blowing out a single candle. To the far right is a child on a swing set.

Figure 1. Children experience rapid physical changes through infancy and early childhood. (credit "left": modification of piece of work by Kerry Ceszyk; credit "middle-left": modification of piece of work by Kristi Fausel; credit "centre-correct": modification of piece of work by "devinf"/Flickr; credit "right": modification of work past Rose Spielman)

During infancy and childhood, growth does not occur at a steady rate (Carel, Lahlou, Roger, & Chaussain, 2004). Growth slows between 4 and 6 years old: During this fourth dimension children proceeds five–7 pounds and grow about 2–3 inches per year. Once girls reach eight–9 years former, their growth rate outpaces that of boys due to a pubertal growth spurt. This growth spurt continues until effectually 12 years old, coinciding with the starting time of the menstrual cycle. By 10 years one-time, the boilerplate girl weighs 88 pounds, and the average boy weighs 85 pounds.

We are born with all of the brain cells that we will ever have—about 100–200 billion neurons (nerve cells) whose function is to store and transmit information (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997). Still, the nervous system continues to grow and develop. Each neural pathway forms thousands of new connections during infancy and toddlerhood. This menses of rapid neural growth is called blooming. Neural pathways go on to develop through puberty. The blooming period of neural growth is then followed by a period of pruning, where neural connections are reduced. It is thought that pruning causes the encephalon to function more than efficiently, allowing for mastery of more than complex skills (Hutchinson, 2011). Blooming occurs during the kickoff few years of life, and pruning continues through childhood and into boyhood in diverse areas of the brain.

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The size of our brains increases rapidly. For instance, the brain of a two-year-one-time is 55% of its developed size, and by six years old the encephalon is about xc% of its developed size (Tanner, 1978). During early babyhood (ages 3–6), the frontal lobes grow rapidly. Recalling our discussion of the 4 lobes of the encephalon earlier in this book, the frontal lobes are associated with planning, reasoning, retentiveness, and impulse control. Therefore, by the time children reach schoolhouse historic period, they are developmentally capable of decision-making their attention and behavior. Through the elementary schoolhouse years, the frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal lobes all grow in size. The brain growth spurts experienced in babyhood tend to follow Piaget's sequence of cognitive development, so that significant changes in neural operation account for cerebral advances (Kolb & Whishaw, 2009; Overman, Bachevalier, Turner, & Peuster, 1992).

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Motor development occurs in an orderly sequence as infants move from reflexive reactions (e.g., sucking and rooting) to more than avant-garde motor operation. For instance, babies kickoff acquire to hold their heads up, then to sit with assistance, and so to sit down unassisted, followed later by crawling and so walking.

Motor skills refer to our power to move our bodies and manipulate objects. Fine motor skills focus on the muscles in our fingers, toes, and optics, and enable coordination of minor actions (eastward.chiliad., grasping a toy, writing with a pencil, and using a spoon). Gross motor skills focus on big muscle groups that control our artillery and legs and involve larger movements (e.k., balancing, running, and jumping).

Equally motor skills develop, in that location are certain developmental milestones that young children should reach (Table 1). For each milestone there is an average age, as well as a range of ages in which the milestone should exist reached. An example of a developmental milestone is sitting. On boilerplate, most babies sit alone at 7 months one-time. Sitting involves both coordination and muscle strength, and 90% of babies achieve this milestone between v and 9 months sometime. In some other example, babies on average are able to hold up their head at 6 weeks former, and 90% of babies achieve this betwixt 3 weeks and 4 months old. If a baby is not holding up his head by 4 months old, he is showing a delay. If the child is displaying delays on several milestones, that is reason for business, and the parent or caregiver should discuss this with the kid's pediatrician. Some developmental delays can be identified and addressed through early intervention.

Table 1. Developmental Milestones, Ages two–5 Years
Age (years) Concrete Personal/Social Linguistic communication Cognitive
2 Kicks a brawl; walks upward and downwards stairs Plays alongside other children; copies adults Points to objects when named; puts 2–4 words together in a judgement Sorts shapes and colors; follows 2-step instructions
3 Climbs and runs; pedals tricycle Takes turns; expresses many emotions; dresses self Names familiar things; uses pronouns Plays make believe; works toys with parts (levers, handles)
4 Catches balls; uses scissors Prefers social play to solo play; knows likes and interests Knows songs and rhymes past memory Names colors and numbers; begins writing letters
5 Hops and swings; uses fork and spoon Distinguishes real from pretend; likes to delight friends Speaks clearly; uses full sentences Counts to ten or higher; prints some letters and copies basic shapes

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Man and baby

Figure ii. Man with a baby.

Cognitive Development

In addition to rapid physical growth, immature children likewise exhibit meaning evolution of their cerebral abilities. Piaget thought that children's ability to understand objects—such equally learning that a rattle makes a dissonance when shaken—was a cognitive skill that develops slowly as a child matures and interacts with the environment. Today, developmental psychologists think Piaget was wrong. Researchers have found that even very young children sympathize objects and how they work long earlier they have experience with those objects (Baillargeon, 1987; Baillargeon, Li, Gertner, & Wu, 2011). For example, children equally young every bit 3 months one-time demonstrated noesis of the properties of objects that they had only viewed and did non accept prior experience with them. In one report, iii-month-old infants were shown a truck rolling down a track and behind a screen. The box, which appeared solid but was really hollow, was placed adjacent to the rail. The truck rolled past the box every bit would exist expected. Then the box was placed on the track to block the path of the truck. When the truck was rolled down the rail this time, it continued unimpeded. The infants spent significantly more time looking at this impossible event (Effigy 2). Baillargeon (1987) concluded that they knew solid objects cannot laissez passer through each other. Baillargeon's findings suggest that very young children take an understanding of objects and how they work, which Piaget (1954) would have said is beyond their cognitive abilities due to their limited experiences in the world.

Image A shows a toy truck coasting along a track unobstructed. Image B shows a toy truck coasting along a track with a box in the background. Image C shows a truck coasting along a track and going through what appears to be an obstruction.

Effigy two. In Baillargeon'southward report, infants observed a truck (a) whorl downwardly an unobstructed track, (b) roll down an unobstructed track with an obstruction (box) beside it, and (c) curl downward and laissez passer through what appeared to be an obstruction.

Merely as there are concrete milestones that we expect children to reach, there are likewise cognitive milestones. Information technology is helpful to be enlightened of these milestones every bit children gain new abilities to think, problem solve, and communicate. For example, infants milkshake their head "no" around 6–9 months, and they respond to exact requests to do things like "moving ridge goodbye-bye" or "blow a buss" around ix–12 months. Remember Piaget'due south ideas almost object permanence? Nosotros can wait children to grasp the concept that objects continue to be even when they are not in sight past around eight months old. Because toddlers (i.eastward., 12–24 months one-time) have mastered object permanence, they enjoy games similar hide and seek, and they realize that when someone leaves the room they will come dorsum (Loop, 2013). Toddlers besides point to pictures in books and wait in appropriate places when y'all ask them to find objects.

Just as there are physical milestones that we wait children to reach, there are likewise cognitive milestones . It is helpful to be enlightened of these milestones every bit children gain new abilities to recall, problem solve, and communicate. For example, infants shake their head "no" around 6–ix months, and they respond to verbal requests to do things like "moving ridge bye-bye" or "blow a kiss" around 9–12 months. Remember Piaget's ideas about object permanence? We can look children to grasp the concept that objects go on to exist fifty-fifty when they are not in sight past around 8 months old. Because toddlers (i.e., 12–24 months old) have mastered object permanence, they enjoy games similar hide and seek, and they realize that when someone leaves the room they will come dorsum (Loop, 2013). Toddlers also indicate to pictures in books and await in appropriate places when you ask them to discover objects.

Preschool-historic period children (i.due east., 3–5 years sometime) also make steady progress in cognitive development. Not only can they count, name colors, and tell you their name and age, just they can also make some decisions on their ain, such as choosing an outfit to wear. Preschool-historic period children understand basic time concepts and sequencing (e.thou., before and after), and they can predict what will happen next in a story. They also begin to enjoy the use of humor in stories. Because they tin think symbolically, they savor pretend play and inventing elaborate characters and scenarios. One of the most common examples of their cerebral growth is their blossoming curiosity. Preschool-historic period children love to ask "Why?"

An important cerebral change occurs in children this historic period. Recall that Piaget described ii–three yr olds as egocentric, pregnant that they exercise not have an awareness of others' points of view. Betwixt iii and 5 years old, children come up to empathise that people have thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that are dissimilar from their ain. This is known as theory-of-mind (TOM). Children can use this skill to tease others, persuade their parents to purchase a candy bar, or understand why a sibling might be angry. When children develop TOM, they can recognize that others have imitation behavior (Dennett, 1987; Callaghan et al., 2005).

An important cognitive change occurs in children this age. Recall that Piaget described two–3 year olds as egocentric, meaning that they do not have an awareness of others' points of view. Between 3 and 5 years quondam, children come to understand that people have thoughts, feelings, and behavior that are different from their own. This is known as theory of listen (TOM). Children tin can utilize this skill to tease others, persuade their parents to purchase a candy bar, or understand why a sibling might be aroused. When children develop TOM, they can recognize that others have fake behavior (Dennett, 1987; Callaghan et al., 2005).

Picket Information technology

Endeavour It

Cognitive skills continue to expand in middle and late childhood (vi–eleven years old). Thought processes become more than logical and organized when dealing with concrete information (Effigy 3). Children at this age understand concepts such equally the past, present, and future, giving them the ability to program and work toward goals. Additionally, they can process complex ideas such as addition and subtraction and cause-and-result relationships. However, children's attention spans tend to be very limited until they are around eleven years old. After that point, it begins to improve through adulthood.

A photograph of children playing baseball is shown. Five children are in the picture, two on one team, and three on the other.

Figure 3. Considering they understand luck and fairness, children in middle and late babyhood (vi–11 years one-time) are able to follow rules for games. (credit: Edwin Martinez)

Ane well-researched aspect of cognitive evolution is linguistic communication acquisition. As mentioned before, the order in which children larn language structures is consistent across children and cultures (Hatch, 1983). Y'all've also learned that some psychological researchers have proposed that children possess a biological predisposition for language conquering.

Starting before birth, babies begin to develop language and communication skills. At nativity, babies plain recognize their mother'due south voice and can discriminate between the linguistic communication(s) spoken past their mothers and strange languages, and they show preferences for faces that are moving in synchrony with audible language (Flower & Morgan, 2006; Pickens, 1994; Spelke & Cortelyou, 1981).

Children communicate information through gesturing long before they speak, and there is some prove that gesture usage predicts subsequent linguistic communication development (Iverson & Goldin-Meadow, 2005). In terms of producing spoken linguistic communication, babies begin to coo almost immediately. Cooing is a one-syllable combination of a consonant and a vowel sound (e.grand., coo or ba). Interestingly, babies replicate sounds from their own languages. A baby whose parents speak French will coo in a different tone than a baby whose parents speak Castilian or Urdu. After cooing, the babe starts to babble. Babbling begins with repeating a syllable, such equally ma-ma, da-da, or ba-ba. When a baby is nearly 12 months old, we wait her to say her first word for meaning, and to outset combining words for meaning at about xviii months.

At about 2 years erstwhile, a toddler uses betwixt fifty and 200 words; by 3 years one-time they have a vocabulary of up to 1,000 words and can speak in sentences. During the early babyhood years, children's vocabulary increases at a rapid pace. This is sometimes referred to as the "vocabulary spurt" and has been claimed to involve an expansion in vocabulary at a rate of x–20 new words per week. Recent inquiry may point that while some children feel these spurts, it is far from universal (as discussed in Ganger & Brent, 2004). It has been estimated that, 5 year olds sympathise near 6,000 words, speak 2,000 words, and can define words and question their meanings. They can rhyme and name the days of the week. 7 year olds speak fluently and apply slang and clichés (Stork & Widdowson, 1974).

What accounts for such dramatic linguistic communication learning by children? Behaviorist B. F. Skinner idea that nosotros acquire language in response to reinforcement or feedback, such as through parental blessing or through being understood. For example, when a 2-year-erstwhile child asks for juice, he might say, "me juice," to which his female parent might respond past giving him a cup of apple juice. Noam Chomsky (1957) criticized Skinner's theory and proposed that we are all built-in with an innate capacity to learn language. Chomsky chosen this mechanism a language acquisition device (LAD). Who is correct? Both Chomsky and Skinner are right. Think that we are a product of both nature and nurture. Researchers now believe that linguistic communication acquisition is partially inborn and partially learned through our interactions with our linguistic environment (Gleitman & Newport, 1995; Stork & Widdowson, 1974).

What accounts for such dramatic language learning by children? Behaviorist B. F. Skinner thought that we learn language in response to reinforcement, such as through parental approval or through existence understood. For example, when a two-twelvemonth-sometime child asks for juice, he might say, "me juice," to which his mother might answer past giving him a cup of apple juice.

Noam Chomsky (1957) criticized Skinner'southward theory and proposed that we are all built-in with an innate capacity to larn language. Chomsky chosen this mechanism a language acquisition device (LAD). Who is correct? Both Chomsky and Skinner are right. Remember that we are a product of both nature and nurture. Researchers now believe that linguistic communication acquisition is partially inborn and partially learned through our interactions with our linguistic environs (Gleitman & Newport, 1995; Stork & Widdowson, 1974).

Everyday Connectedness: The Importance of Play and Recess

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2007), unstructured play is an integral part of a child'south development. It builds creativity, problem solving skills, and social relationships. Play also allows children to develop a theory-of-heed every bit they imaginatively accept on the perspective of others.

Outdoor play allows children the opportunity to straight experience and sense the world around them. While doing then, they may collect objects that they come across and develop lifelong interests and hobbies. They likewise benefit from increased do, and engaging in outdoor play tin can actually increment how much they enjoy concrete activity. This helps support the development of a good for you centre and brain. Unfortunately, inquiry suggests that today's children are engaging in less and less outdoor play (Clements, 2004). Perhaps, it is no surprise to larn that lowered levels of physical activeness in conjunction with easy access to calorie-dense foods with little nutritional value are contributing to alarming levels of childhood obesity (Karnik & Kanekar, 2012).

Despite the agin consequences associated with reduced play, some children are over scheduled and have niggling gratuitous fourth dimension to appoint in unstructured play. In addition, some schools have taken away recess fourth dimension for children in a button for students to practise better on standardized tests, and many schools ordinarily apply loss of recess every bit a form of punishment. Exercise yous agree with these practices? Why or why not?


cognitive empathy:ability to take the perspective of others and to experience concern for others

fine motor skills:use of muscles in fingers, toes, and optics to coordinate pocket-sized actions

gross motor skills:apply of large muscle groups to command arms and legs for big trunk movements

motor skills:ability to move our body and manipulate objects

reinforcement:feedback that strengthens time to come behavior

theory of mind:that children come up to understand that people take thoughts, feelings, and beliefs different from their own


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